30 November 2009

Cleveland Sunshine

ok, i figured this would be a really easy post until i realized it only makes sense to me... so, in cleveland, TN, where i often stay... it rains a lot... i mean, very often, sometimes quite a bit of rain, but most of the time it drizzles until u just get sick of it...

well... u know how when it's sunny u can feel it but not feel it? like, the sun is warming me, and when i step into shade, my skin is still a lot warmer than if it was in darkness... it's the type of sunshine that sticks to your skin and clothes and what not? well, i was thinking about that type of sunshine one day while walking across campus in drizzle-y nasty weather... and i realized... this drizzle is cleveland sunshine... it's what normally happens, it's only cold on your skin and it's more annoying than anything else.

so, i often refer to drizzle as cleveland sunshine, but, because i think of it like that so often... i started thinking about rainy days as 'sunny' days... i feel like it might be why i'm so happy in cleveland, even when it's 'sunny' for weeks on end... *ponders psychology*

oh, and yeah, i failed on the whole, 'more manly' post... i'll try again soon. *punches wall, eats bacon and shouts loudly* HA!

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