10 November 2009

cum barba :)

alright, here goes: another unplanned update.

i have 2 issues of housekeeping before my post:

1) i don't really have a post-schedule, i'm just going to do it when i have time, i have a goal, but no set requirement, cause if i set a requirement, it would be really really taxing on my schedule and if i messed up i would feel like i was failing at something (i'm very success-oriented for a type-B person... strange.) the other reason is because i don't really wanna be like Matt Smith, who often either forgets to post 5 days/week or squeeks 2 in on 1 day through computer magic.

2) i'll be posting lots of Christian things on here, not everyone who's been invited to this whole blog thingy are Christians, i don't expect you to be, my goal isn't to offend or to convert you, but, if u know me, u know i am willing to answer any questions u might have. i have a few post ideas floating around about why i'm a christian, stuff like that, not interested? don't read them. have a critique? post it in a comment, i'll try to rebut it.. to me, logical arguments are not a sign of conflict, but seeking understanding, so i welcome it. but a lot of the things in this blog will be christian theology oriented.

ok, housekeeping aside, lets get started.

latin has a few ways to write 'with'. one of them is for a noun to take the ablative case. this case is used quite a bit, but doesn't exist in many foreign languages, or english for that matter. ablative usually denotes location, manner or time, stuff like that. so, if i wanted to say, Maria runs away by means of the field, i would simply say: Maria fugit agro. this can also be rendered Maria runs away with the field or through the field. but, if we were to say Maria runs away with (not by means of) Marcus, then it would be Maria fugit cum Marcum.

now, cognito cum barba... i think with a beard. this does not mean that a beard is the manner in which i think, but that i think along with a beard. i chose this as my blog 'pen' name because the growth on my... neck? has become quite the infamous being around campus. i say being because... it's sentient. so, when i write, i think, and while thinking, there's a beard here, and he's also thinking... so... i think with a beard.

now that u're probably really creeped out, i want to explain one more thing. the beard is evil. we're not sure why, but he is... he's scared small children so young that they still could not form words... he moves on his own sometimes (just ask Greg... or anyone else who's been around it), oh, and don't be afraid of it, but, then again, don't anger it, i'm not sure what it's capable of...

So, ero congiteram sub arbore cum barba... i will have had had though under a tree with a beard? that ought to be rephrased.... ero cogniteram cum barba sub arbore.... i will have had had thought with a beard under a tree. much better.

wow. this post is strange.

1 comment:

  1. I kept that link on my hand, and I'll attempt to drop by occasionally and catch up. I'll be ranting over at brianbur.net if your interested.
