27 November 2009

so i opened this box and hoped to be able to quickly write a blog post... but as i sit here, so many ideas are being muffled out by a lack of ideas... i start something, write a line, then get distracted...

so, as i think about my conversations over the past few days, and i look around my house, i think about one of the peculiarities of the english language - we/our/us

simple huh? first person plural... the problem is this, english, and most western languages actually, don't have a way to specify we inclusive from we exclusive, sometimes, i will be talking and i will say something like 'we're going to go eat' and i mean, the group of people i'm with, myself and the person to whom i'm talking to... other times, i will say something and mean to exclude someone 'we're just stupid i guess' and, sometimes, i don't mean to include my audience...

so, because of this ambiguity, i'm often tempted to write some sort of poem or prose that could easily be interpreted several ways, based on first person inclusives and exclusives, but what keeps frustrating me is that there's no way to clue an english speaker in to thinking like this. they simply assume that if they want to be included, we is inclusive, and if they want to be excluded, we is exclusive... so... next time you hear the first person plural being utilized, think about whether or not it is inclusive or exclusive and chuckle, for you are no longer thinking in the same manner that a native english speaker is.

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